a blog to record ideas and actual work on writing fiction: everything and anything that catches my fancy, this blog is my canvas-the actual work of writing, working book stored on my laptop, in journals and scrapbooks as I work on them

Friday, January 22, 2010

Foreign Exchange: the CSA Augusts world

Bookeeper and banker (silent backer)

Augusts best friend a furrier and couturier.

Alexandre's girlfriend.

Lewis. Rachel's brother.

Dark Dorrit:: Character introduction Temple- master (poison) Elixir mixer

The brothers Flintwinch choice method for murder: POISON.

Temple Grace Preston.
Temple Grace Preston lives as the cook in a house of prostitution. She works in the dark arts and is visited weekly by one or the other Flintwinch for special requests.
She has used her skills to keep her beauty and youth. Temple is Eighty-seven years old.

where she currently works as a cook

I meant to post this yesterday, but my actual writing is naturally pulling me away from the web.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dark Dorrit: Millicent Veronica Clennam

Amy and Aurthur Clennam's daughter is named Millicent Veronica Clennam.

A new graveyard stand between her apartments and this part of the city.
The brothers Flintwinch owned this land. Now undead, they haunt it and live in the flagship Mausoleum built on the cheap for Mrs. Clennam as she prepared for her own death.
When Little Dorrit finished repairing the linens for the house she was set to work making her employers" final outfit".


Mrs. Clennam's Mausolem.
Jeremiah and Ephraim squat here.

They use her empty coffin to hold they money they make as hired murders.

Mrs. Clennam sat out the night. Her mansion crumbled from neglect  around them. She lay in Amy Dorrits embrace.
They hear Jeremaih screaming in terror as his brother attacks him in the ruined rubble.
His brother can be heard carrying his injured brother away in the night. 
She tells Little Dorrit her story, who cursed her to be among the living dead, who's reparation was in play.
Little Dorrit watched as the sun slowly rose, crossed the smoky courtyard until it's dim rays engulfed Mrs Clennam, turning her to dust. A warm breeze mixed the black sooty ash of her remains into the ruins of her house. 
RE: quick notes an images applied to today's writing.

CSA: Savannah

She is secretly repulsed by nature and its abundance.

CSA: Savannah Cotton

Her world is like this closet.
Light pretty, neat.
Still looking for a name...
Today I like Savannah.
Savannah Cotton

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Foreign Exchange: started writing

Money kept in a wooden box by both characters. After the war this is the most important thing to the country and it's patriotic citizens.

August has women after him. despite his dapper but rundown state of dress. Speculation and gossip about his fortune populate the air in his wake.

I am finding my sleep has left me as people start to take life in my head.
I love the period.
The old photos help.
Worked out three pages over the weekend centered on August and the first time he meets (Her).
(Her name is still blank)
Still looking for the voice and flow for this piece.
Still thinking about life in this time 3D.
Now my mind is working out how the world would be now if the South had been victorious and this continent was forever split.
What kind of life would these people founded?

C. Still portrait of August

C. Still portrait of  Her

She wears black, dark blue, blood red, and pale blue.
The dark in this painting against the blue capture her life.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Dark Dorrit: grave diggers Honor's place

Owns a new cemetery. Has swindled to get to this point in his life and it has given him a heavy heart, rough speech and deep mistrust of fate.
This is a photo pf him at twenty.
Hard life marking his body with prisoner's disfigurement.
Wants nothing but to be RICH.
More than that he desires love.
His cemetery  is the view from the top rooms of her apartment.
Honors apartment is above hers.

His current project is to copy this entrance so that his gravediggers cam bury the dead without disturbing society.

Foreign Currency. Yanks lose the war: A Love Story

These two me come to town. although their color is white they choose to stay at her Apartment building. They set up studio. Both are Russian.
Foreign Currency working title.
Still thinking of the word as it is, the South winning the war and all.

CSA the south won the war a love story HER

how he looks to her

her dress in lower photo, sleeves only

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dark Dorrit

The three block long street  in London where she lives. Her apartments are in the brick building at the right of the drawing.

CSA. The south won the Civil War: a love story

His Yankee competition's poster
He knows this man personally (the Guys real name is Missouri Sape). They were in the same Paris bakery suffering the same apprenticeship program. Hate is deep and tossed back and forth between both men.

the CSA- the south wins the civil war: a love story

A photo of her family, many of whom have bought freedom.

The CSA reality- ideas

Gambling is the popular past time enjoyed by men and women of society.
The less fortunate participate in a lottery played every Friday.
Candles are used at night as CSA is at the forefront of the ecological and organic innovation of the day.
Buildings are preserved and appreciated as being monuments of "a time when things were right"

Dark Dorrit

The life of Amy Dorrit was darker than Dicken's had the permission to document.
She was real. She was disappointed with his portrayal of her life.
One thing that stand out is his exclusion of the vampires.
He never mentioned the rapes and murder.
Author and Amy's daughter Victoria  has a life of education, art, travel.
She is an odd duck, looking for safety, discovers danger, betrayal, has a stalker and is at the effects and manipulation of The Vampires Flintwinch (Jeremiah and Ephraim) .
Amy has nightmares after seeing Mrs Clenman turn into a vampire then kill herself after her home collapses. she sits in the courtyard waiting for the sun to rise, the image burned into Amy's memories.
Jeremiah was afraid of his brother. Ephraim turns his twisted and crushed body. Jeremiah becomes a vampire infatuated with Amy and then Victoria.
Victoria remembers her youth, her parents, gossip and the dirty bits of history for the characters from Little Dorrit.

The CSA: what if the south succeeded and won the civil war?

A woman lives in the United States, the southern states one of the wealthiest countries in the world.
She is a writer who publishes her work under a mans name. She lives an artist life, traveling from one country to another. She lives on land she secretly bought and built a hotel for blacks. Her sister runs the inn/ apartment building.
She visits his cafe.
His cafe is split. A front entrance for whites and a back for blacks.  The thing that fascinates the town and country is his ability to provide separate and equal and is a mascot for the way this country wants the world to understand them.
The kitchen is in the middle. He lives above the cafe.
This story is about her life and secret passion for a neighborhood chef and baker who is white.
the story is about his life, when he notices her, his devotion to business, fear and passion.
Things they have in common:
Travel to Japan
Live in France
Love of italian food

Different points of view:
What to do with money
hired help
the way things are
living elsewhere
love lived and expressed
time and urgency

Name ideas:
Her- Foster, Rachel, Amelia, Georgina, Victoria, August, Easter
Him- Maury, Cotton, Perry, Benjamin, Pleasant, Michel

book title ideas:

the ones I love

 The Crimson White and the Petal- I love the beginning of this book, the characters and the time period. The title gets me every time
the unbearable lightness of being